Digital and TV Ads Target McCormick in PA Senate Race

"When McCormick Wins, Pennsylvania Loses"

WASHINGTON (June 11, 2024) – The Senate campaign of Bob Casey is receiving early and strong outside advertising support from a pro-environment Super PAC beginning today. 

NRDC Action Votes is launching a $1.45 million independent expenditure online and broadcast campaign statewide that hammers Dave McCormick—a specialist in taking subsidies, cutting jobs and pocketing profits—for being poised to block 200,000 clean energy jobs across Pennsylvania if elected to the U.S. Senate. 

“It’s simple, if hedge fund CEO Dave McCormick is elected to the United States Senate, Pennsylvania will not be a leader in affordable and clean energy,” said Jocelyn Steinberg, director of NRDC Action Votes. “He is not looking out for the 200,000 clean energy jobs in U.S. that are and will be created and the families and communities in Pennsylvania that depend on those jobs.”  

Senator Casey, a Scranton native, voted for the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure law and the Inflation Reduction Act will create a new clean energy workforce, bring clean energy tax credits to families and businesses statewide, and keep Pennsylvania at the forefront of our clean energy future. 

In contrast, McCormick outsourced jobs at his company. He also opposes the infrastructure and inflation reduction laws, two major clean energy initiatives that are creating millions of U.S.-based jobs across the country and in Pennsylvania. McCormick wants to keep the U.S. dependent on fossil fuels. 

NRDC Action Votes was one of the top Super PACs engaged in Pennsylvania’s 2022 Senate race in which John Fetterman defeated Mehmet Oz.  

The new ad, “When McCormick Wins, Pennsylvania Loses,” can be viewed here.